Jamie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:56

My dad had a remote for our tellly, me! That's what kids are for isn't it?

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:56

Agree but let's also not ignore that if there is universal adoption of HA standby energy consumption will increase as all these devices need constant power

Add to that depending on how far things go the increase in data consumption and WiFi connections per home with the possibility of slowing down your internet speed, we don't all have access to fiber broadband
I recently installed a new router and I am only a basic consumer but I was shocked that I had 27 connected devices
Luckily my other 10 devices are RF

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:57

We upgrade our tv to one with a wired remote control 

mushii Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:57

What you wired up your butler? Isn’t there laws against that

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:57

Appreciate that.I’m quite the geek (shock horror) and have been on top of my network in recent months.

Monitoring each devices usage and all IPs are sorted into groups.That’s a total of 101 online devices and just picked up a Google
Home Mini so will add that shortly too.

Luckily the majority of them use very little bandwidth at all (and that’s why I’m happy that my Echos are spying on me) but one internal camera I’ve got (Logi Circle) can be known to upload 2GB of footage to its cloud each day and that certainly adds up each months.

I’d have struggled with my last Broadband supplier with only 160GB available a month (between 12 and 6am was unlimited) but now with 200mb/s down and 100mb/s up and no limits I shouldn’t struggle on that front.

I do appreciate your point on the power usage but it’s only the newest devices that adhere to those power usage rules. For example my Play 5 Gen 1 of which I have 4, uses 6.5w when idle that will add up as well as all the other 10 Sonos devices.

So whilst there are savings to be made, both financially and ecologically, it will be worthwhile in my own personal opinion.That may well not be the case as devices are made to be even less power hungry as things move forward but to benefit from those it means repacking lots
Of stuff that quite possible still works well.I guess it needs a happy medium to be met.

On top of this, with a 4KW solar system on my roof, most days between April and October my house costs very little to run, but it’s not just about the cost, I guess everyone doing their but will add up.

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:57

Can you recommend a smart energy monitoring plug in socket but you have to be able to input your energy supplies cost per unit
Everything I look at leaves out that final vital part
Not very smart if you have to get out a calculator to work out the cost
I do have a couple of dumb monitors already but you have to get on your hands and knees   the text is far too small to read

I am pissed the Hive haven't had the foresight and brought one out

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:57

A WeMo Insight plug will do that.

                                                                        https://www.avforums.com/attachments/img_1972-jpg.995987/                                                                                https://www.avforums.com/attachments/img_1973-jpg.995988/

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:58

You beauty
That's exactly what i'm talking about, a bit pricey though but I suppose that's the smart premium

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:58

Yeah. Definitely not the cheapest smart plug out there.

There is another option too.

Energenie make a plug that does monitoring too which I have connected to my AV rack and that can give you good numbers too.

You can have multiple plugs and the reporting is far better IMHO


You need a HUB for this though but it can also control their range of plugs and thermostatic cakes for rads which I’m going to get for a few rooms.

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:58

Yeah the HUB is the dealbreaker for me
This looks more affordable

Does anyone know if the TP Link KASA app allows you to input the unit cost i don't want to open a KASA account only to find that you cant input unit cost
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