Qactuar Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:45

When was the last return filed?

mushii Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:46

31 March 2017, they listed liabilities of £1.1m, in 2016 their liabilities were £23k

Desmo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:47

API reverse engineered. It's not too difficult to packet sniff data from devices or apps to figure out what commands are being sent and what data is received.

Done the same with Tesla and my home automation system 

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:47

What did you manage to do with the Tesla?

Qactuar Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:48

Ooof. So long as cash is good, they'll continue for a little while.

I'd have looked myself on CompanyWatch but I wasn't on my work laptop!

Desmo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:49

Pretty much anything the app can do....lock/unlock, start/stop charge, start/stop heating and set temperatures, open/close boot, get gps coordinates, etc.

Because it's part of my home automation system I can set it to charge at certain times or when I leave in the morning I press one button in the hallway that opens my garage door, unlocks the car, stops charging and unlocks the charge port. Lots of stuff you can do 

Jamie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:49

Not sure why anyone's surprised, it's expensive to develop a smart product. Time will tell if this one's a success but I can see this being attractive to less techie people, the fact it still works as a switch and a mechanical one at that could be quite a big deal.

The key IMO is getting it picked up and suitably marketed in B&Q, Homebase etc.

For me I could imagine it being something I would install for my mum if she was still around.

So maybe most of us on here aren't necessarily the target market for this particular smart switch but rather people who wouldn't necessarily normally want smart home kit.

mushii Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:50

Cash is pretty dire £27k. Like I said I hope that their launch goes well as they desperately need some serious cashflow otherwise I can see these tanking before they even get off the ground, which is areal shame, as the UK market needs a decent supplier of retrofit products like this.

Qactuar Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:51

Bigger ooof.

Let’s hope the order book is strong!

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:27:51

I wish them well development costs and tooling would be expensive but if they stick to that pricing structure they will have a limited market
As I said previously the market needs a kick up the backside something like this should have come to the market long before now
If they target the mass market with a reasonably priced product they could make a killing
Just consider how many light switches and sockets there are waiting to be brought into the 21st century
If they do fail I am sure someone will buy them out so I am watching this company with interest I would dearly like to buy into the products now but the risk of being left with a redundant system is too high

I want to get rid of multiple bridges, have a central hub that supports different manufacturers devices, a system that is not dependant on cloud support to work and that will still function if the company goes bust
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