JimBobRude Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:28

I’ve already found a feature I would like. I want to be able to control the volume with my iPhone. Maybe it’s already possible?
Edit: I’ve just found the option to do so in control centre. Perfect!

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:29

I managed to setup it up just before I went out for a quick Byron burger with my daughter as she was 'starving'.

Packaging - Really impressed with the cardboard box around it it was delivered in 
Setup - Yes love the power cord, nice little touch. Setup was very easy, but I had to read the little leaflet and learned I had to be much nearer with my iPhone to get it to pop up and connect.
Visual Impression - Looks awesome, really nice size. And I can't help but think, where do those lights come from and those buttons.
Sound quality - Initial impression I'm honest, I thought it was a bit sh*t and bass heavy. Didn't sound natural to me. Tried a quick song by Ed Sheeran as part of me 'personalised station'. The to demo to Izzie I asked 'Hey Siri, play Catfish and the battlement' - that went very well and her favourite song popped up. But again rather bass heavy. Hmm, least me a bit disappointed if I am honest after all those good reviews. For reference my main listening speakers are MA Bronze 5 floor standers, and Q Accoustic on stands in another room, and Burmester in our Mercedes-AMG, and my Sennheiser headphones when on the move....
Smart Integration - Controls my lights, and heating perfectly so far. Haven't tried anything else...

So nearly 3 hours later. Here I am in my office, I actually find my self talking to her and she is responding. As it is Friday, 'Hey Siri, play best of the week'. 'Hey Siri, set volume to 4'. And it is settling in nicely, that heavy bass seems to be disappearing. The music is very clear, I can hear every instrument. I'm wondering what this song actually is; Hey Siri, what is this? This is Silouet by Grace Carter.

Hey Siri, tell my wile I love you xxx.

I'm actually really liking it. I think I can live with Siri.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:30

Hey Siri tell me the news....Here is the latest news from the BBC, or if you prefer say switch to Sky or LBC instead.


Another thing I really like I well, I can see my iPhone reacting to Hey Siri, as does my watch, as does my iPad....But only one answers and in proximity of the HomePod it is the HomePod. Little touches like that make a big difference.

ScottW75 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:31

I thought it was a little bass heavy as well but it does seem to be settling in. Perhaps the driver is running in?

NewfieDrool Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:32

Can you stream music via Bluetooth or is it purely locked into Apple?

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:33

I can't see it when doing a normal bluetooth search. I'm guessing the bluetooth profile used is unique to Apple devices only. It instantly shows up in all our Airplay devices with seamless handoff.

NewfieDrool Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:35

Cheers, I’m all Apple gear and just wondered if I could stream tunein radio via my iPad or if Apple had really limited it to your iTune purchases and their music service.

I’m guessing if you stream via your iPad you could use some of the preset sound adjustments under settings to mellow the bass if it’s a tad too much or adjust it to ones personal preference.

Synchro Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:36

Are there no equaliser settings?It would be nice to adjust the base if I felt it was too loud.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:37

Just tried it, fired up TuneIn on my iPhone, the HomePod show up and you can simply airplay it to there no problem. Basically any app that supports Airplay can play on the HomePod if you like.

Rob8980 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:38

I’ve just realised I can tell Siri a specific percentage of volume. I’m finding it much more useful than saying hey Siri turn the volume up, or hey Siri turn the volume down.
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