Synchro Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:52

Really no need to get it then.This isn't the device you're looking for.

Zzebedee Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:53

I understand why Apple don’t make this thing Spotify compatible but right here is one less sale as a result of that.
I tried my 3 month Apple Music trial recently (free Spotify sub with old phone contract came to an end) but it wasn’t very good and didn’t work with my amazon echo so I went back to Spotify.
I’d like to upgrade to a better quality Spotify compatible device and would like it to be Apple but I guess that’s not the business Apple wants.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:54

Awesome - does all I require...Integrate with Apple Music check, integrate with HomeKit check. That is basically all my home automation functions sorted 

Nice he demoed Spotify as well, although to me it is irrelevant.

Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:55

The vids are popping up in my YouTube subs now. Just watched another couple, I’m starting to lean more towards getting one than I was.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:56

HomePod — Space Grey

 No longer available on launch day though...But not that long a wait there after...

Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:57

Yeah, I have to decide if I definitely want one straight away, if so I’ll try and order from JL tomorrow for collection on launch day

Synchro Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:59

My family Amazon Prime music subscription runs till September. All being well, I should be switching over from Echoes and Dots to HomePods around that time.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:59

Yes that looks really good. Can't wait to get mine. Only trouble will be, I just know my daughters would want one in their rooms, me and my wife want one in the kitchen as well, then perhaps another in our bedroom, hmm stereo in the dining room would be nice, and actually perhaps having one in the lounge despite our normal setup could be good as well.

I'm keeping mine that arrives on Friday in my home office, but then another 7 or make that 8 as one in the garage for when I'm washing the car would be nice...

PS. I wonder whether they do an outdoors version 

GaryB19722010 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:01

I Justine

buzz_lips Publish time 1-12-2019 21:34:02

The newspaper reviews I’ve read are quite laughable in my opinion. They mostly compare this speaker to the google or amazon echo. Hardly any I’ve read match this to the Sonos 1 with Alexa which is also considerably cheaper and I suspect not far off or equal to this Apple speaker in terms of sound
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