Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:45

True, but many (probably most) people that are buying this type of device haven’t gone quite as “all in” as you for actual automation over smart home control (I’m at a halfway house of some fully automated, some voice activated smart home control).

It’s a pretty broad spectrum of users and applications which Apple is supposedly trying to tap into with HomeKit/Siri and while they are pushing the sound quality of the speaker over the smart function at this point (which from the first hands on “reviews” seem to be somewhat less than impartial, and certainly not from specialist audio outlets), they need to step up their game to compete with Alexa / Google devices when for a lot of the people buying this kind of product “ok” sound, is good enough.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:46

Fair enough, the problem I have with gadgets that you need to talk to is that for it to work properly you need to be heard from every single room. And not just that, but also properly distinguish between the various voices that are calling for assistance and in near real time.

In my experience having it in one room or linked to one account isn’t really helping “selling” it to those who are skeptics about it. I also found it fascinating to see the reactions when I encouraged others; most often than not it was met by how should I ask it? And what should I ask. Instead of being helpful it became an obstacle.

But granted others mileage might and will vary 

Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:47

But this is a voice activated smart speaker, having to speak to it is inherent to its design.
The fact (as you rightly point out) with voice controlled devices is the need to be able to speak to them wherever you are in the house is another stumbling block where the HomePod fails against its competition IMO. (And regardless of the die hard Apple fans that will hear no wrong - macrumors forums, I’m talking to you! It is in competition with the multitude of smart speakers on the market).

For me to have a HomePod in all the same places as my current Echos (ignoring that some of the Echo have screens so offer more functionality) would cost £1600, it would offer better sound (allegedly) than my Echo and Echo Shows, but likely worse sound than my Dots connected to my AVRs in the main living areas.

With all of the adverts that Amazon run on TV these days, and with the amount of Alexa based products sold this past year, I can’t imagine it will be long befor everyone is au fait with using voice control, even my 75 year old mother has one and my 5 year old is perfectly capable of asking Alexa to “give me a fart”.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:48

And naturally most people have one device that follows them around anyway  Their mobile phone or smart watch. That could already listen to you where ever you are.

Out of interest, what is it that you ask of your echo/dots? In our household we never got much further than play capital radio or connect my phone or something light that...

Anyway I'm really not convinced about voice control unless somewhere where it is truly required (whilst driving a car), or where it is super complimentary.

Multiroom Apple Music is my main attraction at good sound quality, and yes I know there are other ways that lead to that but they involve more wires and boxes etc...

Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:49

Voice control for lights (only some are fully automated which is how I want it) thermostat, video monitoring, music, multi room music, video calling / intercom, TV control, adding items to the shopping list, setting alarms and reminders.

If I’m down in the kitchen cutting up chicken for dinner, or giving my 1 year old a bottle etc, and want to speak to my wife working up in the office 2 floors above me, it’s far easier to use Alexa than dig my phone out of my pocket (or use the useless slow version of Siri that seems to reside in my watch). It’s essentially FaceTime without having to pick up my phone or iPad and set it down at the correct angle to enable me to continue my task and video chat at the same time.

The point isn’t that I have a single device that follows ME round (firstly Siri is nowhere near as good as Alexa/Google in my experience - I’m sure it will improve though), it’s that EVERYONE in my house can utilise it.
My wife wouldn’t even think about getting her phone out to turn the lights on, my daughter doesn’t have a phone, my visiting family / friends aren’t hooked up to all of my tech (if my mother is babysitting, she knows she only has to ask Alexa to show her my sons room). Accessible voice control solves all of these issues.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:49

Great to hear it is working for you.

What are you doing in this thread then  hehehe

Inked Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:50

Considering a HomePod 
I want it to succeed, I’m an Apple fanboy.

I just don’t think it’s quite there. There are currently better solutions for voice control / AI / virtual assistants, better options for better quality sound, and more diversity of this type of product from other manufacturers.

blaugrana69 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:50

Ordered a space grey on Saturday. Selling a couple of Bose Bluetooth speakers to fund the majority of the £319. One I never used anymore and the other is one of my two Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus (retaining one), bought two for stereo pairing so, ultimately, have an eye on two HomePods for the same reason.
I’m taking the gamble that the sound quality on the HomePod will be better than the Revolve which, whilst pretty good, was not great.
I use Apple Music for pretty much all my listening these days so no issues on that front.

chriszzzzzz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:50

Would it not? I think it would. It would also, if it sounds as good as they say, give others outside the apple restriction zone the choice to buy one.
Ah well, good luck to them, and good luck to those buying one. I have a feeling that the price will drop fairly quickly though, so might be worth hanging on a while. By then stereo pairing and multiroom might be available.

RobTi Publish time 1-12-2019 21:33:51

Really wished they did a basic one just for smart control, as this is overkill for me all my music is played through main av setup
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