bellso Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:02

It's pretty resilient with the screen protector on. At a keyboard all day

r.vernon1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:02

Which screen protector are you using. I've noticed with any real scuffs or scrapes, lots of little surface marks around the screen already and it's not even a week old.

bellso Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:03

Know that feeling. I got mine from the Usa when they first came out and It didn't have a protector. So I used it bare for a few days - the plastic around the screen is awful for picking up micro scratches. As it wasn't out in the UK I bought a pack on Amazon UK from a company in the Usa. Skinomi I think I the brand, but must be more now the band is sold over here.

Exactly like phone protectors, a think sheet of plastic. Totally stop the scratches.

r.vernon1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:03

Yeah I've seen that on Amazon, I'll give it a whirl. Cheers buddy.

bellso Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:05

Lot of people moaning that they're hard to fit. They aren't, just use lots of the spray they include so the screen is nice and wet. You can then slide it about till it's spot on, then let it dry. Corners do start to peel after a few months. I'm about to put my 3rd of 6 on.

kayzee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:06

It does tap around on the table whilst using the keyboard, I found it very annoying to begin with... but after a week or two it was fine, and in fact I don't even notice it any more.

My Band is absolutely knackered though lol... I did manage to get my screen protector on but I caught a cat hair underneath it!  tried getting it out without ruining it, but there was no chance, so I ripped it off. It's now completely scratched up but I've just learnt to accept it.

r.vernon1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:06

Anyone used their to play golf with, is it much good at tracking shots. How does it work with practice putts and swings? Does it work well?

stunno Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:07

Ive only played 2 rounds with it so far with mixed success.

For the first round i didn't use it properly so it was a disaster - you have to do a full practice swing on the first tee after it has a full gps lock to 'calibrate' it. i didn't and it seemed to be all over the place. The second round was better but i use a belly putter so it does not register any putts. Once you have pressed Finish Round you cannot edit any data. It would be nice if it was editable on a pc

The distance to the hole seems quite accurate but it doesn't work like the Garmin watches with the distances on screen all of the time, you have to press a button for it to check the distance and it is not instant.

My only other gripe is that it registers tee boxes as you approach them and the band buzzes and asks if you want to change holes

stunno Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:08

They finally got around to mapping my course so I gave it a 'proper' go yesterday, and it worked very well.

However, the Taylormade site is now up and running, which complements the band, and that is not so great. As I mentioned I use a belly putter which does not register as a shot as the left hand doesn't move at all. It seems that I was adding putts as I was walking to the next tee and this is where the shot is registered as being played from! Its a real faff changing them all on the website. Also it lets you add and remove shots but does not amend the total score

Still it's early days, hopefully updates will iron out the teething troubles

oasismark Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:09

Microsoft Band 2

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