JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:13

Yes - the possibilities are endless.

Basic kits like you have bought are where most of us started out 

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:14

I've tried several options but for me the Vivi Nova   Gripper mod combo is the best by far.
In saying that I've never tried a Provari, cos I can't afford one! 

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:15

The Cobra i bought is my most expensive item...

I reckon even with all my kit im still saving money.

I like look of the gripper - ill probably get one... or a gepetto box mod 

Do you re-wick the nova or just put new heads in?

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:16

At the mo I have a couple of new heads left so I just replace when required, but I got some wire & rope last week so I'll be repairing in a week or two.

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:17

 Guess I better try one; Can you recommend one?

They look great BTW.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:18

The cobra is pretty expensive @ £95

it is a tank and rebuildable atomiser combined.

The Clockworks RDA is a rebuildable dripping atomiser... Not so good for out and about as you drip up to 20 drips of liquid down the drip tip vape and repeat.Good for chilling at home.

Found this...

VH-Vivi Rebuild

Tank and atomiser priced good for a beginner?

and these...


All priced well.

Clockworks does a rebuidable tank atomiser for £54 hand made in U.K

Some rebuildables need silica rope wick and ni-chrome or kanthal wire.Genesis atomisers use stainless steel mesh and wire for wick.

If you want to ask any questions - I'll answer best i can.

Here is a good source of knowledge

UK Vapers

What Mod do you use?

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:19

Thanks JDCFH.

It will be used on a lavatube.

Still not entirely convinced it will be worth the hassle of messing around with those tiny parts with my sausage fingers. The tanks on most of the ones I've seen have quite a small capacity; It takes me about 4 hours to empty my Viva Nova tank but refilling it takes about 10 seconds.

Those Clockwork ones look very smart though. Maybe I should just buy that cheap one from Vapour Hut and see if it vapes any better than my current device.

I'm already member at UK Vapers and E-Cig-Reviews.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:20

How much liquid does a nova hold?

To be honest these rebuildables can be quite a faff to get right i just like tinkering 

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:21

3.5ml but you shouldn't fill it past 2.8ml which is what the scale on the side goes up to. I usually only fill mine to about 2ml.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:59:22

Id try a cheap direct dripping atomiser then then you have tank for out and about from the vi vi nova and a dripper for at home 
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