GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:01

Ok thank you

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:02

I got bored and ordered a SS Maximus rebuildable atomizer which has a clear tank. Unfortunately it's out of stock so won't be here anytime soon.

Might order another Vivi Nova in the mean time. Dirt cheap here but will take a few weeks to arrive. //

indianwells Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:03

I've been getting on really well with Vivi Nova's but now one of them has developed a really tight draw ie I have to suck really hard to get anywhere. Any ideas?

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:04

Mine started to go like that. Try washing it or replacing the head.

There's an offer on the infamous El Toro liquid: 50ml for just €20. Use the code "boards" for a further 10% off.

Always wanted to try them. Can't resist at that price.

Edit: My VH Genesis has arrived. Just took it apart at work with my sausage fingers. Will give it a toot tonight if I manage to get it working and let you guys know what I think.

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:05

Tried to set the VH Genesis up in a hurry last night before my OH got home. All went well until I screwed it onto my Lavatube. It wasn’t giving out an ohm reading or firing up.

Think I spotted the problem as I left for work. There are lots of pieces to twist and screw on this device and I think I may, somehow, have pushed a rubber o-ring through the bottom. You can see it here:
I assume the voltage is not transmitted through the screw thread but rather the flat bottom? Sausage fingers strikes again.

Edit: Got an answer to my question:

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:06

Got it working last night but I made three sets of coils and each time I had a hot spot. Used the drill but method but no luck. Wick was fully oxidised.

Only got enough wire for one more try so will give the cigarette paper method a go this weekend.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:07

You need to be patient with it!!Has taken me 5 different wicks to get it just right.

I use a 2mm drill to make my coil on.Take drill bit out and give the coil a few short sharp blasts with the battery to 'fix' it.

If that coil is glowing consistantly the problem is your wick.Should be snug in the coil but not tight.

If your using a 2mm drill bit the wick should be very small with a hole running all the way through like a straw.Top of the wick should be about same height as the air hole or just below.

You also need to wet the wick with juice to start the capillery action.Ive also blasted a bit more juice into the tank until it starts to weep out of the wick.

Then it works.Try very low voltages at first, my coils hit like a train at 3 volts 

27neth Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:08



out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:09

That is exactly how I did them.

It produced plenty of vapour but tasted and smelt like burnt metal

Given up for now with it as I've run out of wire and mesh. I have the SS Maximus rebuildable atomizer on order which comes ready built. This way I can try it and see if it’s actually worth the effort.

Meanwhile, I’ve switched back to a clearomiser and filled it up with some of that El Torro Cigarillo juice – It vapes/tastes amazing.

They look great. Love the driptips.

How did you get them to stick to the wall like that? 

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:09

Better stock up with as much liquid, batteries, attys as possible cos it seems the eu are going to be banning e cigarettes sometime in the near future.
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