out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:10

Folks will be stripping other people's houses for wire and mesh.

GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:11

This is insanely stupid!! Those who have gone without cigarettes for months are going to revert back! Isn't the idea that they want to cut down on smoking?! Ludicrous! Perhaps some kind of petition is needed? What idiot came up with the idea for this ban anyway?

On a side note Im getting really confused now..... Got that adaptor and when the tank is firmly screwed into the adaptor the draw is still really nice and loose. then when its screwed into the battery it becomes completely tight again.... Think I need to drill some small holes just in the battery but at the same time dont fancy risking it....... urgh..... Any ideas?

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:12

Who stands to lose out when the smokers realise that e-cigs are cheaper, better tasting and much better for you?

Wierd. Perhaps you can post some pictures.

GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:14

The cigarette companies and the governments who tax them. And thats what really got me angry last night. We should launch some kind of petition! Im up for writing one up in detail with you guys if anyones interested? May be through a site like avaaz. Theyre super pro anti corruption theyd really lap this up for us. Plus it may really boost ecig sales!

Also I will post pictures of the parts when I get a chance tonight.

27neth Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:14

No ban on electronic smoking


Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:16


This proposal is ridiculous and is yet another nail in the coffin of the eu imo.
What idiot first thought this non sensical plan up?

Makes no sense to me at all.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:17

It's been discussed in depth on UKvapers and most of them think this ban is just breeze?

Phil Scott Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:18

Recently got a 510 Titan Tank from TW.

What juices can you guys recommend? Are there any high street shops that sell supplies?

EDIT: Signed the petition too.

njc12345 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:19


chippyteaforme Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:20

Getting on VERY well with my eGo Vision I bought as part of the ecigwizard 'Stoptober' deal 

Anyway, I've used about 10ml in it so far with no burning tastes or anything else dodgy, but I'm wondering if anyone can recommend somewhere that does the replacement Vision cartomisers?

According to ecigwizard the cartomiser is :

1 x CE4 Vision eGo Cartomiser

I'd like to get a spare or two in should the inevitable happen - I've seen them very cheap on a site called Vapour Heaven but can't see any reviews, and it appears to be based in Greece - I'm not interested in fakes, or being scammed 
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