GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:21


FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:21

Signed. I was expecting hefty taxes to be put on all e-cig products, but an outright ban?! Absolutely ridiculous, I despair at the EU sometimes.

malk Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:22

I also got one of these,getting on well with it. I think ive seem the ce4 on the ecig wizard site,not sure though,i do remember seeing them,cant think where.ill look again later.
The ce4 is much better than the ce2,ive tried the sd keyring carts,normal 510 ones,they also work fine on the ego900. Battery.
They cant ban ecigs,surely,but,i do think they will be losing money from tobacco sales and taxes from the amount of people not smoking real fags,so,i suppise they will try.

Tomthebomb Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:23

They have lost between 7 and 10 quid a day from me alone for 12 months. Circa £2500 a year. Multiply that by the thousands or tens of 1000's around Europe and it's no surprise they want to ban them. To rub salt into the wound they say it's on health grounds  I've never felt as healthy since i quit smoking and started on the vaping. Parcel of rogues the lot of them 

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:24

Totally agree with you there.

malk Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:25

1,cant belive the people at work,i see smoking in the "bus shelter",8 quid a day!!!thats alot of money,for a "skint briton".
If i was the government,i too would try to ban them(IF,i was greedy,uncaring,money grabbing,wanting people to get ill,so i could get a much more steady income,have no conscience)that is.
I really hope they dont.
My mum and brother,keep saying,"i thought you were using the ecig to give up?"
"yes mum,but its really tasty,and isnt half as bad for me"
Thes just too much money being lost for them.

malk Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:26

CE4 eGo Clearomizer UK - Electronic cigarettes - E Liquid - Sussex

27neth Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:27

Well my Gripper mod hasn't even lasted two weeks  i get now when i fit the cartomiser is a low resistance warning..
Any one any ideas???


JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:28

Have you crushed the centre post of the 510 fitting?

Think some 510 connectors are a bit weak and can be damaged by over tightening into them?

Think people have remedied it by putting in a new grommet?

From what I've read they not the sturdiest kit?

27neth Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:29

I dont think i have over tightened it.... The gripper does seem a bit lightweight, i have contacted the store i got it from... I will see what they say.

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