Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:48

What games are you currently playing?

So what games are you currently playing and enjoying?

Here are mine:

Denfese Grid - I tend to have a quick blast on this game on most days. Its so addictive.

Red Faction Guerilla - This is turning into a great game, the environment is totally destructible and there are plenty of enemies around to kill.

Crackdown 2 (xbox 360) - I loved the first game and this is no different.


cabanatuan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:49

Fifa 10, Arma 2 OA, Read dead redemption

eiren Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:50

Not playing as much as I want to at the moment, but mostly I am playing when I get the chance:

Metro 2033 - really atmospheric and was enjoying it a lot... however the game is broken because I've got to a level that starts you off outside and I've got no air filters left... so I keep dying withing 15 seconds of the level starting. I've looked for solutions online and the only thing I can do is restart 3 entire chapters back to go to the last shop and max out on fair flters. That's about 4 or 5 hours playtime! I cannot be bothered to go back and do all that again  hope they fix that game breaking bug and at least put air filters on corpses at the start of the level. Amazing graphics though in places, especially when you enter Polis.

Dragon Age Orignis: Awakenings - if only all DLC were as big and great as this, I would have no problems paying for effectively a whole new campaign for a game that's probably bigger than the main one. Brilliant game... Bioware tell the best stories.

Red Faction: Guerilla - Same as Razor says above... this is a great game. I'm shocked it wasn't talked about more when it came out. Love sticking charges onto a truck, driving at an EDF base at full speed, then jumping out at the last minute. Once the truck lands in the middle of the building (creating massive damage) you can then detonate the charges and watch the fireworks. Great fun! Much more entertaining for me than GTA.

Dark Sector - picked this up for cheap on Steam, and apart from it not supporting widescreen at 1080p (stupid console port). However, it does work well at 16:10 resolutions (which my video processor can handle and convert to 1080p). Looks lovely once set-up right, and a lot of fun.

The Witcher: Director's Cut - This is pretty awesome. Have had it for ages and only just spent a couple hours on it so far. It reminds me of Mass Effect in the control system, and it also has a good story so far. IT's very adult too, which is a good thing 

Risen - this is also surprisingly great... another that's a good example of an action RPG. OPnly played a few hours but really enjoyed it so far. Going to give Gothic 3 a whirl after this one, since people speak highly of it and I got it cheap on Steam recently with Gothic 2.

There's a few other games I've played an hour or two here and there with. My problem is having too many games to play, so having to make myself go through oine at a time from now on.

SparkShot Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:51

Currently playing and very much enjoying Assassins Creed 2.

A far superior game to the first one and doesn't look to shabby either.

I know a lot of people were getting their knickers in a twist over the need for a constant internet connection but in around 20 hours of play i've yet to have an issue.

wolvers Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:52

I'm still addicted to BC2 I'm afraid, that's when I have the time to play at all, stupid job. 

I did start to play Metro but the start was really slow and I lost interest quickly. I guess that I must have a short attention span or something as the games I end up playing the most tend to hit the ground running. I really want to like it but it seemed very very linear, does it get any better as it goes on?

Put a few hours into the Medal Of Honour beta but stopped playing because of all the blatant cheating (no PB yet). I'll probably have another bash when it's released.

Still like to have a blast on SFIV from time to time, that's when I'm in the mood for getting my ass whooped! 

BSNismo Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:53

rFactor, rFactor and erm rFactor  with some iRacing every now and then

Sinzer Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:54

Defense Grid too, great little game.

Heroes of Newerth, took a break from this, now playing casually (it is a bit too competitive and I don't have the time like when I was playing Counter Strike to learn everything).

Thats about it....... waiting for next weekend  Finally a big game comes out!

namuk Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:54

Call of Pripyat , sound and graphics are class, everything takes ages todo may take me a while to complete if i do, i may just get bored.

Men of War, very addictive game and loads of mods,maps ect there is also online playability but there seems tobe alot of spawn camping , ruins the game this .

MW2, like Tubbing all the Hackers 

Also BFC2 .

dowzer Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:55

System Shock 2 - I have owned this since it came out and never really gave it a chance. Through the years I couldnt get it to work with XP but a couple of days ago I found how to make it work on XP and have been playing it since.Good fun and the graphics dont bother me at all. It is pretty damn difficult though (to me) and I have had to look for a walk through a few times as I couldnt work out where to go 

L4D2 - finally got this about 2 weeks ago and love it just like the first. Great game to just stick on for 15 minutes or so before dinner/bed etc.

eiren Publish time 27-11-2019 05:21:56

My biggest problem with ACII on the PC was that it doesn't support the wireless 360 controller properly. All the buttons are mapped incorrectly. Completely ruined it for me. Haven't bothered to boot it up since, and doesn't look like they've bothered to patch it yet.

Splinter Cell Conviction was the same, all the buttons mapped incorrectly... but they did at least release a patch for that.

Fancy developing using ancient beta drivers for the controller (arguably the most popular controller used on the PC) instead of the driver version that's been out and stable for about a year and a half now.

Ubisoft = idiots.
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