clydebest Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:50

If that's what you believe that the British people who voted to leave was due to them no longer wishing to be ruledby another government...I think you are wrong .. just as you think i am wrong.. short of asking all those who voted why they voted the way they did... we will never know. All about opinions when all said and done.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:51

Just for you:

No Deal - 2 Against, 7 Neutral ( 44.7% -47.1%) - 8.2% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 1 Against, 74 Neutral ( 5.9% -7.1%) - 87.1% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 3 For, 4 Neutral ( 49.4% -45.9%) - 4.7% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Neutral = neither first choice nor most opposed.

nheather Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:52

What is 'The Brexit Deal' in the fourth option.I was only aware of two possible leave deals but this poll appears to have introduced a third.



Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:53

It was a spelling/editing mistake during the creation of the poll and I can't edit it to correct it.
(I was aware immediately after posting ... )

The Dude Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:54

Just for you:

'I want to leave' 50.6%

'I want to revoke article 50' 49.5%


- It's one of those special polls that goes to 101% apparently.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:55

We did warn you about chugging the Super Clean.

You made a silly boo boo ... it's not 49.5% it's 49.4% 
.... which funnily enough adds up to 100% //

And not only that, but if your figures did 'add up' it would be 100.1% not 101% 

chez1hunts Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:56

I was a remain voter and now after seeing everything that's happened in the last 6 months if another vote took place, it would be leave for me. I think the way parlimant has gone against what the people voted for is shocking. I'm a true believer in democracy and this isn't democracy for me. These MP's think they're above your working class person, they've gone against the manifesto's also. May needs to go and someone with some back bone needs to deal with this.

Also been reading quite a few of the Political Brexit threads on the forum over the past week, there are some real pathetic people about now days. Play nicely.

IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:57


IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:58

Current Update:

44 Leave
42 Revoke

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:58

44/44 -you missed adding the last 2 
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