IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:35

Although it's not supposed to be taken as a binary Leave/Remain illustration, as Remain isn't in any of the options.

Rasczak Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:35

Do you not feel that most people are smart enough to add up the 'I like Cheese' options and see it is more popular?

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:36

No Deal - 6 Against, 7 Neutral ( 41.5% -49.4%) - 9.1% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 1 Against, 66 Neutral ( 6.5% -7.8%) - 85.7% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 7 For, 4 Neutral ( 51% -42.86%) - 5.2% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Neutral = neither first choice nor most opposed.

clydebest Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:36

The people i know who voted to leave , did so to stop immigration to this country or more accurately England.. You may know what you were voting for or against .. but that majority was gained by people who voted to leave on one thing and one thing only.. where as remain voters probably had a better grasp of the full picture.

tapzilla2k Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:37

That's because all the election is concerned with, is electing MP's. Once the election is over the Constitutional rules are in play which in a normal Parliament runs smoothly. But in a hung parliament ? Hello Coalitions and Confidence and Supply Deals.

As it happens May could have run a minority government without a Confidence and Supply Deal, but that leads to a very unstable government that survives vote to vote until a confidence matter arises.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:38

see post#63 for the detailed explination and reasoning behind the design and deliberate choices made.

The Dude Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:39

I used to feel that people were smart enough to compare 2 numbers, and see which is bigger.

Unfortunately, it seems I was wrong. 

richp007 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:39

If you'd like me to be a Gina 

Happy to oblige! 

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:40

I'd hope they could not only compare 2 numbers and see which is bigger, but also be able then place that in context properly.

i.e Super Clean is now 50% better than the leading brand at removing X or Super Clean is now twice as effective at removing X - which if the leading brand is only 0.2% effective at removing X it means that Super Clean was only 0.15% effective and now is 0.3% effective.

It appears that the advertising and sales industry have had their hands smacked by consumer watch dogs and the Goverment because a significant amount of the general public are fooled or confused by those sort of things.

Sonic67 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:41

The SNP want to leave the UK as it is totally about not wanting to be ruled by another government.

Meanwhile the UK wants to leave the EU as it's totally about racism.

I know this because it's how someone I know thinks.
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