Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:03

.... I'd suggest you open up 'calculator' on your computer and type in the following:

50.6   49.5

The answer is 100.1not 101.

I can understand the mistake, it's a common error that occurs when the numbers being added together form a number with an additional unit of 10 - ie going from 1 digit to 2
digits, 3 to 4 etc.

What I can't understand is why on earth you would double down before actually checking you were correct with a simple calculator rather than insulting me about my medication whilst making a complete tit of yourself.

For reference, the figures you were quoting are:

No Deal - 2 Against, 7 Neutral ( 44.7% -47.1%) - 8.2% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 1 Against, 74 Neutral ( 5.9% -7.1%) - 87.1% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 3 For, 4 Neutral ( 49.4% -45.9%) - 4.7% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Which is Leave => 44.7   4.9 = 50.6
and Revoke => 49.4

You however gave it as:

I want to leave 50.6
I want to revoke article 50 49.5

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:04

Current stance (10:30am 24/03/2019)

No Deal - 1 Against, 11 Neutral ( 45.5% -44.6%) - 9.8% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 1 For, 97 Neutral ( 7.1% -6.3%) - 86.6% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 2 Against, 4 Neutral ( 47.6% -48.5%) - 3.6% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Leave 53%
Remain 47%

If No Deal was pulled from the table => 49.1% to 50.9% in favour of Remain.
If May's Deal was pulled from the table => 52.7% to 47.3% in favour of Leave.
If Revoke was pulled from the table => 51.8% to 48.2% in favour of Deal.

Neutral = neither first choice nor most opposed.

Sample size = 112 votes.

The Dude Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:05

I never suggested the answer was 101%

You can re-read my unedited post for confirmation if you like.

It's an easy mistake to make when you've missed your meds and your brain is filled with hatred and rage, but you really should check your facts before trying to be clever, else you'll just end up looking like a count.

You're quoting figures from a spreadsheet nobody else here can see, everybody else is quoting figures from the poll we're actually discussing.

I wonder where the confusion came from?


IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:05

MOD COMMENT: Enough meds comments thanks, that's completely unnecessary.

The Dude Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:06

He who casts the first stone and all that..

Sorry IG, I'll ignore tokos baited hooks from now on.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:07

The confusion originated from you quoting a post in which the quote contained the numbers -
44.7% (which was Leave no Deal)
5.9% (which was Leave May's Deal)
49.4% (which was Leave no Deal)

you then indicated that the Leave/Revoke sides totaled:

50.6 (which is 44.7   5.9)
49.5 (which is Revoke but with .1 added to it)

If you can explain how that suddenly became my fault I would much appreciate the explination.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:08

No Deal - 1 Against, 11 Neutral ( 44.8% -45.7%) - 9.5% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 1 For, 101 Neutral ( 6.9% -6.0%) - 87.1% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 0 50/50, 4 Neutral ( 48.3% -48.3%) - 3.4% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Leave 52%
Remain 48%

If No Deal was pulled from the table => 48.3% to 51.7% in favour of Remain.
If May's Deal was pulled from the table => 51.7% to 48.3% in favour of Leave.
If Revoke was pulled from the table => 52.6% to 47.4% in favour of Deal.

Sample size = 116 votes

The Dude Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:09

So, like I was saying earlier on.. 

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:09

It's even better for Leave now:

53% Leave
47% Remain

- I'm not 'playing to win' just be accurate and provide information 

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:10

Current stance (6:15am 25/03/2019)

No Deal - 1 For, 11 Neutral ( 45.8% -44.9%) - 9.3% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 0 50/50, 102 Neutral ( 6.8% -6.8%) - 86.4% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 1 Against, 5 Neutral ( 47.5% -48.3%) - 4.2% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Leave 53%
Remain 47%

If No Deal was pulled from the table => 48.3% to 51.7% in favour of Remain.
If May's Deal was pulled from the table => 52.6% to 47.5% in favour of Leave.
If Revoke was pulled from the table => 51.7% to 48.3% in favour of Deal.

Sample size = 118 votes
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